American Dudes

Coming to New York and seeing Bret and Benjie before their wives popped out a couple of pups was the genesis of this entire trip. Katie and Kristin are both due in the next two months. Casey flew in from California, Niels and Adam who I met at Benjies wedding all made it. We packed up the Subaru and the Cocoon with a bunch of doggy boards and headed to JFK to pick up Tor. I was following Adam, he was flying, abrupt lane changes, no signals, Benjie, needed gas and I had no idea where the hell I was going. We got to the airport and Tor was freezing his ass off at 7am. Then the rains came full on. A couple hours later we were suited up and paddled out in serious weather. The wind was howling, the rain was throwing, the waves were super choppy and the water was freezing. (how's that for a run on sentence)? I would of never paddled out at home but but this was Montauk. I felt like I was surfing in Alaska, some crazy wierd beard couldn't control his board a 9'6" came shooting at me. Even though the surf was really crappy I somehow felt really good after getting out of the water. You make the best of what you got. I think that little saying runs deep for East Coast surfers so I quit bitching and joined in.
Dudes weekend consisted of well...dude stuff. One truly dude moment was in the minivan cab on the way home from the bar. 7 wasted dudes talking about the one hot girl in the bar with her loser boyfriend.
"That Asian girl was super hot" came my voice from the back.
laughter..."What ? She wasn't Asian"
"Well...Mexican then"
more laughter
"If she looked Asian and Mexican she must of been Phillipino" The driver chimed in.
more laughter
We passed some pretty big puddles due to the storm all day.
"I'll give you twenty bucks if you turn around and hit those puddles" Casey
"Put it on the dash" driver
Casey took the money from his pocket and slapped it on the dashboard. The driver pulled into a driveway and flipped directions. His foot hit the pedal and the minivan shot towards the water. He hit it with authority to the delight of the group.
The next day the ocean looked like Lake Tahoe. Six inch ankle slappers came limping in. Ok I know the writing is pretty bad but I had to throw you guys a bone to get off my back. Enjoy the video.
Pittsburgh night shot is nice. Casey portrait too.
ReplyDeleteDude, you are such a dude. :)
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ReplyDeleteDude those are some sick waves in the background. Right on!